
Hotel Maintenance Software

Improve the organisation of your accommodation business. Whether you have a hotel, a holiday resort or holiday homes, having a clear view of the issues and managing preventive maintenance will enable you to maintain high customer satisfaction and save money.

hoida manutenzione hotel

Hotel Maintenance Software

Improve the organisation of your accommodation business. Whether you have a hotel, a holiday resort or holiday homes, having a clear view of the issues and managing preventive maintenance will enable you to maintain high customer satisfaction and save money.

hoida manutenzioni hotel

Optimise your facilities management

Our hotel maintenance software is the ideal solution to simplify and optimise the management of your hotel facilities. Tailor-made for the specific needs of the hotel industry, our software offers a wide range of functionalities to improve operational efficiency and ensure flawless maintenance.

With our software, you can easily schedule, monitor and manage all maintenance activities in one intuitive platform. Monitor the status of your equipment and infrastructure in real time.

Use your smartphone to simplify your work

The Maintenance function has been designed with maintainers in mind. We want to simplify their work by making the management of maintenance tasks easy and intuitive.

Key features:

  • Intuitive Dashboard: Our dashboard is clean and easy to navigate. You will find all the information you need in one place.
  • Activity Log: Keep detailed records of all your maintenance activities. You will never have to worry about forgetting an important detail again.
  • Mobile Access: The app is available on mobile devices, so you can access and update information wherever you are.
hoida manutenzione

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